Getting engaged in a dream

What does getting engaged in a dream mean? What does it mean to be engaged in the dream? What it means? Here are all the details... This dream indicates both good things and bad things.

Getting engaged in a dream

If one sees in a dream that he is engaged to someone he knows, it is not considered a good omen. Getting engaged to someone you know in your dream indicates sadness and distress. Being engaged to someone one does not know does not indicate good things, but also indicates worse things. The dreamer who is engaged to a person he does not know in his dream may come face to face with a possible danger or be in danger.

It is a good thing to see a couple getting engaged in a dream. This dream indicates good and happy news that the owner will experience. It also means that the dreamer will live in peace. If a single person sees that he is engaged in a dream, it indicates that that person will get married. But if a married person sees that he is engaged in a dream, it indicates that he will be in a difficult situation. Giving up the engagement in a dream is not interpreted as a good thing.


Getting engaged in a dream means receiving good and pleasing news. The person who gets engaged to a person he does not know in a dream will be happy in his real life and he will face a good fortune. Engagement is often a dream that ends in goodness. Getting engaged indicates rejoicing, being happy, good opportunities that will come your way, and happy days in your business life. Being engaged to an unknown person in a dream is better than a familiar one.

Seeing an engagement ring in a dream

Seeing an engagement ring in a dream indicates good luck. The person who sees the engagement ring in the dream gets married, if the person is married, he will have a child and his money will increase. However, the engagement ring also indicates that the single person will remain single for a while. If the person wears the ring on his finger in his dream and that person is single, he will not be able to marry for a long time. Buying an engagement ring in a dream also means the same. If the person wearing or buying the ring is married rather than single, then this indicates that he will have some problems with his partner. If a married woman gives a ring to a single person in her dream, it indicates that her problems with her husband will increase, and losing the ring indicates that she will become a widow.


Going to an engagement ceremony in a dream

To go to an engagement ceremony in a dream indicates good deeds. The person who goes to the engagement ceremony will meet new people, see and learn new things. The person who is engaged in his dream will get the need to seize an opportunity he has been waiting for. According to dream interpretations, seeing two people engaged in a dream indicates happiness and peace.

Getting engaged to an unknown person in a dream

To be engaged to an unknown person in a dream indicates good news. The person who sees that he is engaged to a person he does not know in his dream will soon be happy by receiving good and pleasing news.

Getting engaged to a familiar person in a dream

To see that you are engaged to a familiar person in a dream indicates bad news, on the contrary to getting engaged to an unknown person. This dream denotes a sadness and distress that the person will experience. The dreamer who is engaged to a person he does not know in his dream may find himself in a dangerous or difficult situation. On the other hand, seeing that two people who do not know each other are engaged indicates good news and that person's happiness and peace.

