Seeing Pregnant Belly in a Dream. What does it mean to see a pregnant belly in a dream? What is the meaning?

Seeing a pregnant belly in a dream is generally interpreted as positive things such as fame, property. The bigger the belly of the pregnant woman in the dream, the more money she will receive.

Seeing Pregnant Belly in a Dream. What does it mean to see a pregnant belly in a dream? What is the meaning?

Seeing your daughter pregnant in a dream

To see your own daughter pregnant in a dream indicates that that girl will learn science in the future or will reach a very high level in her job. This dream is usually attributed to the child getting a good education and being good to his parents or helping people. The person who sees this dream receives a favor from his daughter and sees his daughter's day in his worldly life.


Pregnant widow in a dream

If a widow sees herself as pregnant in a dream, it indicates that she will soon have a good fortune and will get married. If this woman is not someone who wants to get married, it is an indication that she will soon achieve many things she wants and desires and will lead a more comfortable life.

Seeing an ınfertile woman pregnant in a dream

Anyone who sees an infertile woman as pregnant in a dream sees that a job for which he has completely lost his hope soon changes as he wishes and all his wishes come true when he least expects it. This dream is an indication that many of your desires, which you think will not happen, will come true in the most auspicious way. Seeing a barren woman giving birth to a child is also a sign of turning away from mistakes and sins, regretting, repenting and being sad.

Talking to a pregnant woman in a dream

Talking and chatting with a pregnant woman in a dream indicates getting help from a wealthy and wealthy man. This dream, especially for people who have some problems in business life, indicates good events that will happen soon, getting rid of financial troubles and getting enough goods to pay their debts for debtors.

Being Pregnant in a dream

The person who gets pregnant in his dream is caught in the middle of some events he never wanted. This dream indicates that the person will have to face some troubles in the near future. According to some scholars, this is an indication that the dreams and wishes of the dreamer will come true in the long run. So if the dreamer has some wishes, all of them will come true gradually and this is actually better for him.

Seeing your pregnant friend in a dream

To see a friend who is really pregnant in your dream indicates that she will give birth to a beautiful and good child and that child will do many favors to his parents when he grows up. Whoever sees his pregnant friend in his dream sees some help from that person or he helps that pregnant friend.

Suffering pregnancy pain in your dream

For a person who sees that he is pregnant and in pain, this dream is considered very beautiful and auspicious. Because the pain and pain-like situations seen in the dream indicate happiness, relief and peace in every sense in real life. For this reason, the troubles of the person who sees this dream will come to an end, if he is sick, he will recover, if he is a passenger, he will return home safely or become a better person by returning from all his mistakes.

