Seeing someone is shot in a dream

What is the meaning of getting shot in a dream? Meaning of seeing someone is shot in a dream.

Seeing someone is shot in a dream

Seeing someone is shot in a dream, if the person who got shot is a familiar person, is a sign of rumors, gossip and bad things to be done about that person.

According to some interpretations, a person who sees someone is shot in a dream means that person well and provides assistance to relieve his troubles. If the person shot in the dream is an unknown person, it is a dream that signals the caution to dream owner. Sometimes this can indicate that the person who dreamed harms people with his/her speech.

Seeing yourself getting shot in a dream

A person who sees getting shot in his/her dream turns to the hereafter by killing his soul and moves away from what is earthly or evil is committed against him by a deceitful man. This dream indicates the presence of friendly-looking enemies around you who are waiting for an opportunity to harm you as soon as possible. For this reason, the person who sees the dream should be careful and be alert to his/her surroundings.

Getting shot with a rifle in a dream

A person who is shot with a rifle or a gun in his/her dreams will be seriously damaged in a place he/she never expected, or he/she will do the same damage to another person. This dream is a sign of a dangerous enemy who is prowling among people and lurking to hurt them, who acts like a good person on the outside but this person is essentially evil. The person who sees this dream is harmed by this wicked person or by preventing that person from harming other people than him/her.

Seein a person is dead by getting shot in a dream

The death of a person who was hit by any object in a dream is a sign that you will soon get rid of all your pain and troubles. If a person who sees such a dream is in trouble, he/she gets rid of these troubles in a short time. Sometimes this dream is a moral and good man who stands out with his goodness among people. Getting shot and dying in a dream is a sign of moving away from what is worldly, turning to the hereafter and working for it, and being purified from evil.


