Seeing someone naked in a dream

What does it mean to see someone who is naked in a dream?  Why do we have such dreams and what are the interpretations of these dreams?

Seeing someone naked in a dream

If a person sees himself/herself or someone else naked in the dreams, the person he/she sees has taken a haram way. If he/she entered the crowd naked, he/she committed a great haram, he/she should repent.

Watching someone who is naked in a dream

Watching someone who is naked in a dream is a cause of adultery. But it may also be possible to watch his wife. For this reason, scholars interpret that if a person watched his wife naked, she made a mistake, entered a wrong path, and should correct her path. If the person he is watching is not a private but a haram for him, the person who sees him has committed a sin and must repent immediately. Because Allah says in the Quran: "Do not approach adultery." (Isra sura, verse 32)

Dressing someone who is naked in a dream

It means committing a sin to someone by force, involuntarily. In this case, there is a rightful share. Because someone else was caused to sin. In such a case, it is a sin for both sides. Because a person who has killed someone and the person who instigates the murderer will receive the same punishment. In this case, the same is applied.


Getting someone naked in a dream

This is a sign that the dreamer will soon encounter a fraud or deceit. He/She will put someone who he/she does not like or a person who is hostile towards him/her in a difficult situation. This person has long suffered this behavior from the person with whom he/she will act and will do this evil with a desire to respond. Whether a person is right or unjust, the whole of these behaviors he/she will be in will bring him/her unhelpfulness. Eventually, all the games that the person has done and will do will emerge, and none of his work will go unpunished.

