Seeing your child is dead in a dream

How does it interpreted to seeing your child is dead in a dream? What is the meaning of seeing your child is dying is a dream? Seeing your child is dead in a dream is interpreted as the reverse and heralds that the lives of those will increase who have children.

Seeing your child is dead in a dream

It states that the children of the person will have a beautiful and successful life and that they will never experience major health problems as well as longevity, and that those with sick children will find healing and cry with happiness.

The dream, which states that it is going through a sensitive period, means that the person will become stronger again, as he/she will raise himself/herself up, and become a cheerful and ambitious person as before. It also states that the dream owner will make a transition from youth to maturity and take steps by thinking about the future while organizing his/her life. Anyone who has a dream will raise children full of love.

Seeing your child is dying and resurrecting in a dream

Having this dream is a harbinger of good deeds, prayers for him/her. Seeing that the child is alive but died in the dream and resurrected means that the dreamer who will spoil his/her family happiness with a mistake will come to his/her mind, express his/her regret, and apologize to the people whose heart he/she broke.


The dream, which states that people who make unnecessary speeches and who are prone to gossip will be experience difficult days, also informs that they will be weak from the disease and have to rest for a while.

Seeing your child is dead and getting buried in a dream

It points out that bad days will ruin the mental health of the person and he/she will feel unhappy, he/she will not enjoy life with the weakening of family ties, he/she will dedicate himself/herself to his/her work and will not notice the pain and sorrow of the people around him/her. It is also meant to fall into despair and to believe that the negativities that come to an end will not end, and to live in an extremely pessimistic picture.


Interpretation of seeing your child is dead in a dream

The dream, which is often seen by people who are in grief of losing a child or worried about the life of their child, is also interpreted by the fear of something happening to be loved ones. It also indicates that the person is very emotional, cannot look at events objectively and lives in constant anxiety.

