​​​​​​​Smelling poop in a dream

It points out that a job that will cause great damage to the business will be abandoned thanks to a tip to be taken from a person who has information about the events experienced or will be experienced in business life.

​​​​​​​Smelling poop in a dream

In this way, perhaps it is interpreted that the company will be saved from coming to the brink of bankruptcy and that the things in hand will not be damaged. Feeling the smell of poop while eating in a dream is a quarrel after an unpleasant situation, being halfway through business life, a breakup, a meaningless marriage, and confusion.

Seeing poop in a dream

What does it mean to seeing poop in a dream? What is the interpretation of seeing poop in a dream? Seeing poop in the dream is generally good. While it means abundance and wealth, some commentators comment that seeing poop in a dream or dealing with it indicates non-halal gain.

Poop seen in the dream is interpreted as health. It indicates that the dreamer will recover if he/she is ill, and that if he/she is healthy, his/her life will always be healthy. If the poo is spread on the dreamer's hand, arm or clothing, it indicates that the dreamer will pursue a job that will not help him/her for a long time, no matter how hard he/she tries.

Pooping in a dream

Pooping in a dream is not interpreted in good ways. The person who sees that he/she is pooping in his/her dream means that he/she will experience some misfortunes and setbacks, and therefore he/she will overcome several troubles by going through troubled days, both financially and spiritually. Pooping also indicates health problems.

Touching your own poop in a dream

The person who sees in the dream that he/she picks his own poop by touching it and bringing it to his/her mouth cannot easily gain a place in the society, because this person is an arrogant person who has settled himself/herself in the universe of the world, despises and humiliates others.

Seeing baby poop in a dream

Seeing baby poop in a dream is associated with health. It indicates that the dreamer will not have any health problems, will always enjoy.

Pooping in pants in a dream

You will be in a difficult situation with a loved one, you will get off the collar with the help of a close friend or relative from this difficult situation, the troubles will be eliminated before they grow by compensating a mistake, a good way will be done quickly and a difficult job will be done quickly, and it signifies that he/she will make peace with friends and the troubles will decrease. Pooping and cleaning in a dream means that after a difficult period, efforts will be made to get things right, to make important business decisions and to implement them as soon as possible.

Playing with your poop in adream

The illumination will be darkened by bad events, a loved and high value item will be stolen, a great argument will be made, a traitor will be tricked, morale will be depressed, no response will be received from a person seeking help, a relationship will end with separation, and the two sides will be very sorry. Playing with your poop and spitting in the dream is interpreted that there will be both demoralization and great financial damage due to falling into an undesirable situation, it will be hard to get rid of this situation, but it will not be possible to fix things.

Cleaning up the poop in a dream

It is narrated that the dreamer will find himself/herself in a good job, a big step will be taken regarding the marriage, a long-awaited news about the job will be received in a short time and the steps taken regarding this news will lead the person to success, a higher position and wealth. Cleaning poop from the carpet in your dream signifies that a new household will be established and that the disrupted works will continue. In the dream, it is rumored that the person will do a difficult job alone, cut off all relationship with a betrayer and a bad-hearted person, try to pay back the money and repay the support given to him/her by his/her loved ones.

Seeing that a cat is pooping in a dream

It indicates that a person who tries to dismiss the dreamer in his/her business life and who has been an enemy for a long time will seek openly in a study put forward, will make a big fuss thanks to a mistake he/she finds and cause the person to be upset. Seeing the dog pooping in the dream indicates that the person will feel unsuccessful because of the psychological pressure created by the bad events that occur one after the other, and therefore he/she will be hesitant to start a new job or start a new business.
